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Kill La Kill Cosplay by @moonkiller17


We asked @moonkiller17 aka Manny Moon…

💜What inspired you to start cosplaying?

💜What is your favorite cosplay and why?


Before you read her answers check out her Ryuko Matoi cosplay from Kill La Kill!


Her answers:

“I’ve been in the anime community for a long time in social media, owning fan accounts of my favorite animes on twitter and tumblr and next thing I know, I naturally started to see more cosplayers on my feed but, I noticed there wasn’t a lot of cosplayers that looked like me and knew I wasnt the only one who felt this way. I decided to go to my first convention when i was 15/16 years old in my city and LOVED IT!! I met a few cosplayers that really influenced me to dive into this I noticed a bit of diversity but It just needed more… I decided to keep doing it as a hobby. I already loved anime and making art so it became a hobby that fit so well for me and began to take it more seriously once I started to make more money for myself. It motivated me to try different types of art and how I can interpret and create in it ways that isn’t always on a sheet of white paper.”

”This is a very hard question since every character I cosplay has a special place in my heart so I absolutely love every cosplay I’ve done. I believe I feel the most empowered in my Ryuko Matoi cosplay from Kill la Kill, Kaneda from Akira, Giyuu From Demon slayer, Nobara from JJK, and Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul. I noticed I feel the most empowered when cosplaying characters that have more masculine energy. I took notice to this and declared that regardless of the gender I’m placing myself into, it brings out these two different energies that compliment each other and embrace who I am in such a positive way. I also feel very comforting when I’m cosplaying as Zenitsu from Demon Slayer and Chihiro from Spirited Away as they embrace some sort of my innocent and truthful side with myself if that makes sense.”

Follow her to see more cosplay!

*Animeforwomen does not own these photos *

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