I want to feel inspired anybody know any good series for this?
Honestly for me also this is a personal answer. The anime Given . After seeing it all with the movie it made me realize I can do anything with hard work as long as I focus and push my self.
I love Given 😭same I definitely can understand what you mean after watching and the movie
Definitely Haikyuu!! Kuroko’s Basketball :)
Yesss I started Haikyu and I feel so inspired I cry almost every episode lolll just cus I feel their struggles!
Naruto, One piece or a good sports anime! something about teamwork & friendship make me want to get my life together lol
yeahhh that's probably why @Kris is giving me crap about Haikyu! loll I will watch an episode tho tonight I promised 😂
@Arianna yes!! I think you will like it! At least I hope you do!
@DeJanaye Starling I think I will too my brother who barely likes anime like that was like it’s sooo funny lol.
I need you to hop on Haikyuu and finish Food Wars ma’am. I’m not letting up 🤣🤣
girllll lmfaoooo to I didn’t even tell you how my brother who never watches anime like Haikyu...did! And he liked it a lot said it was funny
@Arianna because it is beyond funny! I watched all but the latest season twice. You are really sleeping on it.
@Kris Okay okay I swear I’m going to watch it now since the website is done lol I’ll watch the first episode after babysittin today
Honestly for me also this is a personal answer. The anime Given . After seeing it all with the movie it made me realize I can do anything with hard work as long as I focus and push my self.
Definitely Haikyuu!! Kuroko’s Basketball :)
Naruto, One piece or a good sports anime! something about teamwork & friendship make me want to get my life together lol
I need you to hop on Haikyuu and finish Food Wars ma’am. I’m not letting up 🤣🤣